This habit ensures your success!

Our daily habits either help us or hurt us. Someone said that the success or failure in our lives mostly consist of 4 to 6 things that we habitually do every day.  The Lord Jesus taught us in the Lord’s prayer to DAILY pray and ask Him for our daily bread (Matthew 6)! In that statement, bread is both a physical and spiritual request and need. That includes daily food and the word of God, which is our spiritual food. This means that prayer is part of a Christian’s success in life. If we are neglecting daily prayer and meditation on His word, we are ignoring one of the most important disciplines that lead to real success. God told Joshua that if He would meditate on His words, he would make his way successful. Why would we purposefully ignore the practice and discipline of prayer? Most likely, it is because we don’t really understand just how important prayer is. Do we eat every day? Do we breathe every day? Do we sleep every day? All these actions are vital to life. Well guess what, so is prayer and daily meditation on God’s word. It’s time to make prayer and God’s word an absolute priority in our lives!

Matthew 6: 11 “Give us this day our daily bread”

Opportunity knocks again!

Everyone get opportunities. Not everyone takes advantage of their opportunities. Opportunities have cycles and seasons. Most also have deadlines. The scriptures say that the ones who take advantage of opportunities are wise. But those who “sleep” during the harvest season and ignore opportunities act shamefully. The keys here are to be aware and ready when God provides us with the precious opportunities, and the mindset, fortitude and discipline to partner with God when He provides these opportunities. If you have missed past opportunities, don’t allow guilt and regret to overwhelm and paralyze you in any future opportunities. Instead, just ask God for forgiveness, and be ready as God will give you another opportunity. He will lovingly forgive you and reset the opportunity clock on your behalf!

Proverbs 10:5 “He who gathers during summer and takes advantage of his opportunities is a son who acts wisely, But he who sleeps during harvest and ignores the moment of opportunity is a son who acts shamefully.”