With my whole heart! (also, a gift at the end of the devotional)

Before you read this devotional, I want to let you know that I have a gift for you at the end, so make sure you get it. Blessings. Pastor Victor

David understood the importance of walking with God with his whole heart! God is not interested in half-hearted relationships. Jesus was fully engaged when He went to the cross. He had a chance to walk away in the garden of Gesthemane, but He stayed true to the course and went all the way to the cross. We are the Bride of Christ. This means marriage and commitment! Dating is fun, but you can walk away at any time. Marriage however, is full commitment. The Lord Jesus  calls us His bride. the Heavenly Father calls us His children. Both these statements reveal complete commitment! I don’t have to take care of a stranger’s child, but I am fully commited to take care of my children. God loves us completely and wholly. We must do no less. Today, assess where your heart is. Is God in the center of your heart, or are other things more important than Him? Be like David who loved God with all of his heart!

Psalm 119:69 (part B) I will keep Thy precepts with my whole heart.

Click here for my gift to you!

Here is the reward of humility!

In today’s world, many acquire riches by taking advantage of and even hurting others. Many companies and business people do not care how their process of making money affect other people, just as long as they are making a profit. When we strive to make money without caring what happens to others, or when we use illegal means to make money, it will invariably bring along with it stress, worry, fear, and retribution. From time to time, we see famous people  arrested because they used illegal means to create wealth. Another thing we hear is that some had mental or emotional breakdowns because they could not bear the continual pressure and stress of keeping wealth that was ill-gained. However when God gives us bountiful provision, He also gives us the privilege of being able to enjoy it without undue stress and worry. We can go to sleep peacefully and confidently because we live our lives with godly integrity. He gives His beloved sleep (Psalms 127:2)! Along with the abundant resources He blesses us with, He also gives us honor and life. That my friend, is the reward of humility!

Proverbs 22:4The reward of humility [that is, having a realistic view of one’s importance] and the [reverent, worshipful] fear of the Lord Is riches, honor, and life.