Happy July 4th – Independence or Dependence?

Today we celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. It was signed by 56 men representing the 13 colonies. It was then that they broke away from British rule because they could no longer submit to their laws, and they desired to worship God without any restrictions. It is understandable to break off of a system and a ruler that is tyrannical and takes away his subject’s freedoms. However, they desired to worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! They had no problem depending upon God. While they declared their independence from the British king, they declared their dependence upon God! King David once said: “For you are my only hope, Lord! I’ve hung on to you, trusting in you all my life. It was you who supported me from the day I was born, loving me, helping me through my life’s journey. You’ve made me into a miracle; no wonder I trust you and praise you forever! Many marvel at my success, but I know it is all because of you, my mighty protector!” Psalm 71: 5-7 Today, as we celebrate Independence Day, don’t forget to take some time out to thank God for His kindness and love. Thank Him for the freedoms we enjoy in this great land. Freedoms like being able to worship freely, work and make a living, or build a business and help mankind, travel wherever we want to go, whenever we want to go. Don’t take these freedoms lightly. They come at a great cost! Have a great July 4th!

“We on this continent should never forget that men first crossed the Atlantic not to find soil for their ploughs but to secure liberty for their souls. – Robert J.