Is it a time to celebrate or complain?

July 4th celebrates liberty from the British Empire and the birth of the United States. Americans were now able to worship freely and be independent from British rule.

Speaking about freedom, Galations 5:1 says: “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage”

The Lord Jesus Christ came to set us free from sin and bondage. We were under bondage and under satan’s control. However, because of Jesus’ loving decision to die for our sins, His dying on the cross set us free! We are now free from the power that sin had over us. We have been delivered from the power of darkness, and have been translated to the Kingdom of His dear Son. We are free to pursue His purpose in our lives. We are free to embrace our God-given destiny. We have been freed from any sin-related stigmas that had troubled and hindered us in the past. We are free from any past guilt complex due to past failures and shortcomings. We are free to embrace joy and peace. We are free to be a blessing to the generation that we live in. We are free to leave and Godly and lasting legacy for future generations. As God’s children, we are free to enjoy our relationship with a kind and loving Heavenly Father! In a world where so many complain that things are so terrible, it’s time to stop a moment and be thankful for the freedom that Christ has provided for you! All of these temporary issues shall pass, but His love for us will never pass! Rejoice in this 4th of July and “see” the bigger picture! You have been set free, and if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed!

John 8:36 (TPT) “So if the Son sets you free from sin, then become a true son and be unquestionably free!”

Happy 4th of July!