It’s time for those walls/limits to come down!

In Joshua, chapter 6, it describes the time when God told Joshua and the Israelites to march around Jericho. As they obeyed God’s instructions, the walls came down and God gave them a great victory. Theses walls stood between Israel and their inheritance. Once the walls came down, their victory was assured. Right now, you might be experiencing opposition or resistance which is hindering you from entering into your new season. It’s not time to look at those limits or hindrances and say they are too big or powerful. Instead, it’s time to declare that those walls must come down. Your victory and provision is on the other side of these limits. It’s time to march forward. It’s time to shout for God has given you the victory and those limits must give way to your forward advancement. Your time for breakthrough is here! 

Do you know what day it is today?

Do you know what day it is today?

September 16, 2014

That’s right, This is the day that the Lord has made…..we will rejoice and be glad in it!

I remind myself every day of this fact. I can tend to get caught up in the daily pressures and issues that life throws at me. But then I remember that God is with me every day.

“Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. 8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:7-9

Moses, the great leader of Israel had just died, and God was letting Joshua know that it was now his time to lead His people. It was obvious that there was some trepidation in Joshua’s heart, so God told him “do not fear.” On the contrary, He told Joshua to be strong and very courageous at this vital time in his life where his actions would have a powerful effect on the people he would be leading.

Many times we don’t think that our actions will impact others. The truth is your actions always impact others, whether good or bad. God knew that so he told Joshua be strong and very courageous. That is a very important point because God told Joshua that it is possible to choose to be strong and very courageous. Many would say that they are weak, and frankly at that point in time they might be. But they don’t know that they can shift their posture and simply BE strong and courageous. We have seen countless times where an emergency has happened and suddenly regular people have dug deep and found power and energy that they thought they didn’t have. Like the mother who lifts the car to save her child that stuck under that car. The power was in her all along, but it took a crisis to bring it forth.

God also told Joshua to meditate in His Word day and night, and then Joshua would make his way prosperous. It didn’t say that if Joshua meditates on God’s Word, God would make him prosperous. It says that Joshua would make his own way prosperous. The fact is that what we meditate on every day determines our success or defeat in life. What do you spend all day thinking about? You need to self-analyze what your thoughts are, because they are helping to impact and form your future!

People of purpose must meditate on the right things or they will get sidetracked. There are so many advertisements thoughts, and ideas being thrown at us all the time that it is easy to get sidetracked. Also, life throws issues at us all the time, so if we are not careful, we will continuously be reacting to things instead of proactively preparing an environment where we can work out our purpose.

With that in mind, let me give you some points to “meditate on from the life of Joshua”:

  1. God is with you all the time.
  2. Your prosperity in life and ministry is based on what you meditate on every day because your thoughts affect your actions. Your actions in turn become your daily habits, and your daily habits either make you successful, or will keep you in a stagnant place, never achieving your God-given purpose.
  3. Your victory always impacts others. When you win, others win with you, so be like Joshua and be strong and very courageous, and don’t let issues and problems paralyze you in the past. Break forth and enter into your inheritance.

I want to hear from you. Please let me know what you thought about this weeks blog entry. If you have any areas that you want me to share about, please feel free to let me know. Also, please like us on Facebook, and share this article with others if it impacted you.


Applying wisdom to everyday life for extraordinary results,

Victor Nazario