King David loved this exceedingly!

As we read the book of Psalms, we can clearly see that King David loved the Lord and His word. You can readily see it in his writings. His heart for God is revealed in each Psalm. He said this in Psalm 119:167 (ESV): “My soul keeps your testimonies; I love them exceedingly”. Notice that it was not lip service. He honored God’s Word with his very soul! He loved God with his entire being exceedingly. This is pivotal because God knows those who love Him with all of their hearts and those who only honor Him with their lips. Matthew 15:8 says: “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me”. Let’s make sure that our hearts are right with God. True love and honor is an action of the heart. It’s not hypocritical. Be like David who loved God and His word exceedingly with his entire soul.