Un buey me enseño esto!

Estoy muy intrigado con Proverbios 14:4 Dice “donde no hay bueyes, el canal está limpio; pero la fuerza de un buey aumenta mucho”. He estado en áreas donde estos animales viven, comen y beben. Déjeme decirle que esa área tiene olores y diversos tipos de escombros. Sin embargo, sin estos animales, gran parte de la agricultura que bendice a la comunidad no se llevaría a cabo. Los bueyes son animales que trabajan duro y traen mucha producción, por lo que aunque su abrevadero y graneros pueden oler un poco, todavía doy la bienvenida y aprecio a estos preciosos animales. De la misma manera, si no hay trabajo duro, no hay riesgos, no hay intentos de hacer algo bueno para su comunidad, no habría fallas, ni problemas. Todo sería tranquilo y “seguro”. Pero tampoco habría producción, ni aumento, ni prosperidad. Deme la oportunidad de trabajar duro, de cometer errores, de fallar y volver a intentarlo, incluso si me equivoco. Tomaré el lío, con la esperanza de poder hacer algo significativo que traerá gran gloria a Dios y beneficiará a la humanidad. Elija aumentar sobre la “seguridad” de no hacer nada. En realidad, no hay nada seguro o próspero en un “canal limpio”.

Proverbios 14:4 Dice “donde no hay bueyes, el canal está limpio; pero la fuerza de un buey aumenta mucho”

What will God say when He sees your garden?

Genesis 2:15 “And the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and guard and keep it”.

This verse reveals something very powerful to us. God made us in His image and likeness. We know that God worked six days and then rested. After that, He looked at His work and He said it was “very good”. He then created us to also be able to produce great things through our work. In that verse, it says that He put man in the garden to tend, guard and keep it. The word tend also means to cultivate. Cultivate means: “to foster growth, to improve by labor or care”. God has given each of us a garden to tend, guard and keep. It is our responsibility to foster growth in our garden, and to improve everything around us by our righteous labor and care. It is unacceptable to let things go into disarray. All beautiful gardens require a lot of work. We all admire great gardens, but few realize how much hard work it took for it to look so lovely. What is the garden that God has given you? Is it your children? Is it your ministry? Is it your job? Is it your community? God worked, and after He finished, He said it was ” very good”. When God looks at your garden, will He say: “Well done good and faithful servant?”