El buey me enseño esto!

Estoy muy intrigado con Proverbios 14:4 Dice “donde no hay bueyes, el canal está limpio; pero la fuerza de un buey aumenta mucho”. He estado en áreas donde estos animales viven, comen y beben. Déjeme decirle que esa área tiene olores y diversos tipos de escombros. Sin embargo, sin estos animales, gran parte de la agricultura que bendice a la comunidad no se llevaría a cabo. Los bueyes son animales que trabajan duro y traen mucha producción, por lo que aunque su abrevadero y graneros pueden oler un poco, todavía doy la bienvenida y aprecio a estos preciosos animales. De la misma manera, si no hay trabajo duro, no hay riesgos, no hay intentos de hacer algo bueno para su comunidad, no habría fallas, ni problemas. Todo sería tranquilo y “seguro”. Pero tampoco habría producción, ni aumento, ni prosperidad. Deme la oportunidad de trabajar duro, de cometer errores, de fallar y volver a intentarlo, incluso si me equivoco. Tomaré el lío, con la esperanza de poder hacer algo significativo que traerá gran gloria a Dios y beneficiará a la humanidad. Elija aumentar sobre la “seguridad” de no hacer nada. En realidad, no hay nada seguro o próspero en un “canal limpio”.

Proverbios 14:4 Dice “donde no hay bueyes, el canal está limpio; pero la fuerza de un buey aumenta mucho”

This wealth will continually increase!

God created us to work; to produce; to multiply. This is is our DNA. The Apostle Paul once said “For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10). The Proverbist says in Proverbs 14:23 “In all labor there is profit, But idle chatter leads only to poverty”.  Proverbs 10:4 states “He who has a slack hand becomes poor, But the hand of the diligent makes rich“. We know that honest labor is pleasing to God. Part of God’s command to Adam was to tend and keep the garden. That is good ol’ hard work! However, there are those who attempt to gain wealth through dishonest means. This not only displeases God, but it also creates in the individual a lack of peace. They might get temporarily rich in the process, but they won’t be able to sleep peacefully. They will always be worried that they will eventually be found out. We can see how many older people are now in prison because they wanted so much to be rich that they did so illegally, and it finally caught up with them. It is not like that with the righteous. They work and labor honestly and with integrity. They can go to sleep in peace, and even though most of them might not be millionaires, they are truly rich. Rich with peace, joy, family, ministry, God’s blessings, and many more intangible “riches.” Don’t ever belittle honesty and integrity. It always wins in the end!

Proverbs 13:11 – Wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished, but he who gathers by labor will increase.