God Himself instructed us to do this!

There is a verse where God speaks directly to His people. He gives them instructions which, if they obey Him, He will hear them, forgive them, and release healing on their land. Here it is. Make sure you read it several times:
2 Chronicles 7:14 “If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Did you read it several times. First He says: “If my people…” He is speaking to us! This is for the church! The first thing He commands us to do is to “HUMBLE OURSELVES!” Arrogance and pride must not exist among us! The second thing is: PRAY. Are we praying for our families, our church, our community, our nation, or are we only complaining about everything around us? Pray more and complain less! the third thing is: SEEK HIS FACE. That means that it has to be a priority to us. Instead of seeking only material things, we need to seek Him first. The rest shall be added. The final instruction is: TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS. this denotes repentance and. genuine turning away from our sinful habits (actions, words, thoughts, intents). If we would genuinely obey God in these four instructions, we would experience a supernatural manifestation of healing, restoration, joy, and answer to our prayers. Don’t wait for others. Start this process yourself. God sees our individual actions, and He will respond to the one who obeys these instructions!

Are you cultivating or are you chasing “pipe dreams?”

There are a seemingly unlimited amount of coaches today that offer their services to help you to make more money easily, working less hours, while you are traveling around the word enjoying the sights. While I appreciate coaches who do give out valid, useful, actionable training, my perspective on this is that it is deceitful to say to people that it is easy to make money and build businesses. It is also deceitful to say to them that they can travel the world and live a life of ease while making “tons of money.” Many of those who are marketing this type of hype work very hard in their marketing efforts. They spend many thousands of dollars advertising and promoting their products and services in order for you to purchase them. In most cases, the only ones that are making real money on this training are the ones who are selling you the “get rich quick” courses. Proverbs 28:19 has something to say about this. Here is this verse in both the Amplified version and in the Good News Translation:

Proverbs 28:19 (AMP) “He who cultivates his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless people and pursuits will have poverty enough.” Proverbs 28:19 (GNT) “A hard-working farmer has plenty to eat. People who waste time will always be poor.”

Notice how both versions of this verse speak of cultivating their land and hard work. In all successful endeavors, there is good old-fashioned hard work. The scriptures promise that if we cultivate our land, we will have plenty of bread. Our land is our life and the work of our hands. If we waste our precious time in frivolous pursuits or ideas such as these “get rich quick” schemes, we will end up in poverty. The reason why “get rich quick” schemes sound so good and enticing, is because most only want the benefits. They don’t want the responsibility of working hard, planning, investing and discipline. Even politicians today are using this very same promise. Vote for them and they will give you everything for free. In reality, nothing is free. Someone has to pay for things. Reject those who offer grandiose promises of plenty with ease and enjoyment. Stand on the word of God. If you work hard and truly cultivate your land, God says you will have plenty of bread! Reject laziness and apathy, and embrace diligence. Reject the poverty and fear mindset and embrace the understanding that God has already given us all the resources we need all around us. We need to prayerfully and diligently utilize these resources, with wisdom, patience and vision. We also need to be consistent and not be afraid to make mistakes. All successful people make mistakes. Actually, they make more mistakes than most. but they keep on creating services and products that people want or need. And guess what, they become successful in their endeavors. It’s Summer, are you cultivating your land?