This is how to be blessed by God!

Psalm 94:12 (AMP) says: Blessed [with wisdom and prosperity] is the man whom You discipline and instruct, O Lord, And whom You teach from Your law.” The word blessed means: “joyful, contentment, good fortune, consecrated, to speak well of.” When God blesses us, He is lovingly sharing his grace, wisdom and favor with us. He bestows upon us an environment where others look at us and declare that we have come in to a place of good fortune. Do you want to be “blessed?” Read Psalm 94:12 again. God blesses the person who submits to His discipline and instruction. Most people reject His discipline and instruction, thus they remove themselves from the process of being blessed by God. When one enlists in the army, the first thing the drill sergeants do is re-make them by putting them in a place of discipline and instruction for several months. Most admit that this process is very difficult. But the finished picture is that they become disciplined, battle-ready soldiers! God also brings us into times of discipline and instruction, not to destroy us, but to build us up into strong and blessed believers. He teaches us His law so that we can walk wisely and confidently on this earth. And as we embrace His discipline and instruction, people will look at our lives and call us blessed! Do not be afraid to embrace His discipline and instruction. He disciplines the ones He loves.

Psalm 94:12 (AMP) “Blessed [with wisdom and prosperity] is the man whom You discipline and instruct, O Lord, And whom You teach from Your law”

These people were destroyed for their willing rejection of knowledge!

God judged His people who willfully rejected His wisdom and Laws. He had given them laws, precepts and wisdom so that they would live in peace, with blessings and with purpose. However, because of their pride and arrogance, they rejected His words. This greatly displeased God. Hosea 4:6 says: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children”. That is a chilling verse. God declared to those that willfully rejected His word that He would also reject them from being able to serve Him. This would also impact their children because God knew that they would not teach God’s law to their children. This would also cause judgement to fall upon the children since they would act just like their parents. God was pleased with Abraham and He knew that he would teach the law of God to His children (Genesis 18:19). Therefore He greatly blessed Abraham and his children. But those that reject His word will not be able to enjoy His presence. They will not be able to receive life from His word and promises. They will not teach their children, so it will also negatively impact their children. Learn from their example, and instead embrace His precepts and promises. It will be a lasting blessing to you and your family!