They are authorized to walk before kings!

We see many throughout this nation who are demanding that the government give them “free stuff”. I am all for genuine help when needed. However, I am speaking of those who don’t want to work to provide for themselves. They want others to take care of them. God does not honor laziness. However, He does honor diligence and hard work. Proverbs 22:29 (AMPC) says: “Do you see a man diligent and skillful in his business? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men”. The same verse in the CEV version says: “If you do your job well, you will work for a ruler and never be a slave”. Notice how it differentiates between the one who does their job well and the lazy one who ends up as a slave. Laziness will bring one to poverty. Proverbs 6: 9-11 says: “You lazy people, how long are you going to lie there? When will you get up? You say, “I need a rest. I think I’ll take a short nap.” But then you sleep and sleep and become poorer and poorer. Soon you will have nothing. It will be as if a thief came and stole everything you owned”. Don’t learn from lazy folk. Whatever God gives you to do, do it with all of your heart. Do it as unto the Lord. The Lord is pleased with those who are diligent in their work and service. Selah!

Do your daily actions bring glory and honor to God?

Have you ever considered that your actions either glorify God or disappoint Him. In the parable of the talents, the Lord Jesus taught that two of His team did what He asked, and brought glory to God. The third one refused to obey Him, so His Lord called him a wicked and lazy servant (Matthew 25). The Apostle Paul taught this principle to the church in Corinth: “So then, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you may do, do all for the honor and glory of God” 

(1 Corinthians 10:31, AMP). This means that God is watching the decisions that you make on a daily basis, and you please Him when you choose to do things for the honor and glory of God. Are you bringing glory to God in your daily life, or are you bringing credit to yourself? Are you a good and faithful servant, or are you a wicked and lazy servant? Only you and God know this for sure!