In His presence!

Every creature has an optimal environment that allows them to live and thrive. To the fish, it’s the ocean. To the bird, it’s the sky. To the Christian, it’s God’s presence.  Psalm 140:13 “Surely the righteous shall give thanks to Your name; The upright shall dwell in Your presence“. In His presence, we are made strong. We are cleansed, We receive His joy. We receive wisdom. We are protected. We receive His mercy. We are protected from our enemies. We are secure. We are loved. We see with His eyes. We feel His heart. We get answers for our prayers. We experience resurrection power. We receive spiritual, mental and emotional healing. His presence is the place where we live and thrive. Have you experienced His presence?

Psalm 16:11 “You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy”.

This guy is such a fool!

The scriptures teach us to avoid being fools. Proverbs 9:6 (Amp) says: “Leave [behind] your foolishness [and the foolish] and live, And walk in the way of insight and understanding.” We are to leave behind or forsake foolishness. So what does foolishness really mean? A fool is “a person lacking in judgment or prudence.” The word foolish means “having or showing a lack of good sense, judgment, or discretion; absurd; ridiculous; marked by a loss of composure; senseless; simpleminded.” God instructs us to walk in the way of insight and understanding. I am saddened by how many people are living foolishly as well as the many foolish decisions that many are making today. This is a huge problem because foolish living brings with it much pain and misfortune. Look at some of the things the scriptures reveal about walking in foolishness: Foolishness will destroy the foolish (Proverbs 1:32). Shame will come to the foolish (Proverbs 3:35). Slaughter comes to the foolish (Proverbs 7:22). The foolish person provides grief to his/her parents (Proverbs 10:1). Fools will fall (Proverbs 10:8). The foolish will serve the wise (Proverbs 11:29) The heart of the fool proclaims foolishness (Proverbs 12:23). Those that spend time with fools will be destroyed (Proverbs 13:20). The fool is referenced seventy-eight times, just in the book of Proverbs. My opinion is that there can be a little foolishness in everyone of us, but God’s counsel to us is that it is time to leave behind and forsake foolish thinking and behavior. Choose to walk in Godly insight and understanding. It will bring life to your body, soul and spirit, and health to your bones! (Proverbs 3:8)

Proverbs 9:6 (Amp) says: “Leave [behind] your foolishness [and the foolish] and live, And walk in the way of insight and understanding.”