He sets us on the rock!

We are all subject to the scourge of sin. It is embedded in our Adamic nature. However, by God’s love and grace, He made a way for us to be delivered from this sin nature.  Psalm 107:20 (EHV) says: “He sent his word and healed them. He rescued them from the pits that trapped them.” As we listen to the news, we can clearly see that there are multitudes of people that are in a pit of some kind. Whether it is addictions, poverty, sickness, disease or something similar, we all need to be delivered from the pit that the enemy has prepared for us. The Psalmist knew what it was to be delivered from a pit: “He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps” (Psalm 40:2). He also revealed to us that God sent His Word and healed us. Jesus is the living word of God! He has also sent us His written word. The enemy might say to you that there is no hope, but God’s word declares that in Christ, we have eternal hope. Hebrews 10:23 says: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful”. Today, God is still healing and rescuing those who are trapped in a pit! If you are currently in a pit, cry out to God. He will deliver you and set you upon a rock and establish your steps!

“It’s my way or the highway!”

Have you ever met a person that is so confident that they are right but you can clearly see that they are wrong, and nothing you tell them makes a difference? This is one of the most important reasons why we need agreements, laws, rules and contracts. Without these documents, we would destroy each other. There would be absolute anarchy. God’s laws and principles are our universal foundation for living and behaving. His laws are the rock of civilization. Without them, we descend into chaos. This is the primary reason this nation is in the shape it is in today. We have removed God’s law from the schools, from the workplace and in many areas of government. The problem is that when you remove one law it needs to be replaced with another law. If you remove the foundation of a building, what will you replace it with? This nation must get back to God and His laws. Without that, our nations’ foundation will crumble and it will not survive. Each of us need to pray and speak out wherever we are at, and remind everyone that the strength of this nation has always been God’s laws. That is the only hope for our children and our children’s children! May God raise up godly men and women that will take their place in government and academia and restore the true foundation for life, mutual respect, love, peace and true prosperity!

Proverbs 21:2 (VOICE version) “Everyone may think his own way of living is right, but the Eternal examines our hearts.”

Isaiah 58:12 “Those from among you Shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.”