This is the secret to being blessed!

Psalm 94:12 (AMP) says: Blessed [with wisdom and prosperity] is the man whom You discipline and instruct, O LordAnd whom You teach from Your law.” The word blessed means: “joyful, contentment, good fortune, consecrated, to speak well of.” When God blesses us, He is lovingly sharing his grace, wisdom and favor with us. He bestows upon us an environment where others look at us and declare that we have come in to a place of good fortune. Do you want to be “blessed?” Read Psalm 94:12 again. God blesses the person who submits to His discipline and instruction. Most people reject His discipline and instruction, thus they remove themselves from the process of being blessed by God. When one enlists in the army, the first thing the drill sergeants do is re-make them by putting them in a place of discipline and instruction for several months. Most admit that this process is very difficult. But the finished picture is that they become disciplined, battle-ready soldiers! God also brings us into times of discipline and instruction, not to destroy us, but to build us up into strong and blessed believers. He teaches us His law so that we can walk wisely and confidently on this earth. And as we embrace His discipline and instruction, people will look at our lives and call us blessed! Do not be afraid to embrace His discipline and instruction. He disciplines the ones He loves.

Psalm 94:12 (AMP) “Blessed [with wisdom and prosperity] is the man whom You discipline and instruct, O LordAnd whom You teach from Your law”

Are you part of a fellowship?

There are various meanings to the word fellowship. Among them are: “Community of interest, activity, feeling, or experience. A company of equals or friends. Companionship. Company.”  There is also a greek word for fellowship, Koinonia, which means: “Christian fellowship,” literally “communion,” from koinos, which means: common. In true fellowship, there is no elitism. There is a sense of mutual benefit. In some cases it is like a family. In Fellowship, there is the sharing of ideas, resources, love, care, mutual benefit among other things. When we become part of a local church, we become part of a fellowship, where we worship God together, bless each other, learn together, minister together and serve community together. But the most important part of our fellowship is with God Himself. Psalms 138:6 (AMP) “Though the Lord is exalted, He regards the lowly [and invites them into His fellowship]; But the proud and haughty He knows from a distance.” God is inviting you to fellowship and spend time with Him daily. Jesus taught us to pray daily to the Heavenly Father. This is not new. Enoch fellowshipped with God: Genesis 5:22 (AMP) “Enoch walked [in habitual fellowship] with God three hundred years after the birth of Methuselah and had other sons and daughters.” Enoch pleased God. Paul taught the church in Ephesus that in Christ, we are in fellowship with one another and are being built up together so that God can dwell in us and among us. Ephesians 2:22 “In Him [and in fellowship with one another] you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.” Understand therefore, being part of His Body is more that just going to church; you are part of the Church, His Body, the Ekklesia, the called out ones. You are in fellowship with God and with His Body. There is no greater fellowship than that!