It’s in our DNA!

As we look to nature, we can see that there are commands embedded in the animal’s DNA. As soon as a horse (Foal) is born, it immediately seeks to stand up and looks for its mother so it can begin to feed. It doesn’t need to go to school to learn these life skills and habits. The Proverbist taught that we need to look to the ant and learn from them: “Go to the ant, O lazy one; Observe her ways and be wise, Which, having no chief, Overseer or ruler, she prepares her food in the summer and brings in her provisions [of food for the winter] in the harvest. How long will you lie down, o lazy one? When will you arise from your sleep [and learn self-discipline]?” Proverbs 6:6-8. They are “wired” for success. They have in their DNA the innate knowledge of how to work in their community, and exactly when to go get their food. They even know how to store their food for the winter. Two things stand out: a) They thrive because they are diligent and consistent and, b) each one does their part consistently. This consistency and “community-level” diligence allows the entire community to thrive and prosper each and every year. The proverbist told us to observe and learn from this. We are the only species that have the ability to choose to refuse to do the very things that can cause us to prosper and thrive. Our decision to go against what can help us can destroy us as well as our families. We can choose to take drugs, choose to smoke, choose to stay home and be lazy, choose to remain uneducated, choose to make excuses and blame others for our faulty decisions. We can also choose to be like the ant and embrace the very disciplines that will help us to thrive, grow, expand, learn, work toward a clear beneficial future, gather provisions in the summer for the winter season, etc. Today, God is reminding us that it is our responsibility to allow Him to re-wire us for success in our lives, and that includes rejecting the habits and patterns of laziness and failure and embracing new habits and patterns (like the ant) that will allow us to prepare our food in the summer, and bring in the provisions for the winter. No more excuses! It’s time to get to work! 

They’re watching you!

Without realizing it or not, people are noticing you and your uniqueness. This is so important that you know this because it can work for or against you. As a powerful example, we can see this in the life of King David. Before David became known as “the giant slayer,” his father and brothers knew him only as a shepherd of sheep. However, if one digs deeper, the community where he lived and served, realized much more about him as they observed him on an ongoing basis. King Saul was being tormented and distressed, so his helpers sought out someone who was “skillful” at playing the harp. One of them brought up young David. What impressed me is what he said about him. 1 Samuel 16:18 says, “One of the servants said to Saul, “One of Jesse’s sons from Bethlehem is a talented harp player. Not only that—he is a brave warrior, a man of war, and has good judgment. He is also a fine-looking young man, and the Lord is with him.” Just by observing and by word of mouth, they were able to find out some pivotal things about David that eventually got him to become King Saul’s armor bearer. So determine today to make sure that all that your do, do it with all of your heart and mind. You never know who is watching, and you never know where ti can take you!

1 Samuel 16:22 Then Saul sent word to Jesse asking, “Please let David remain in my service, for I am very pleased with him.”