If you desire abundance, do this!

Proverbs 14:23 (TPT) says: “If you work hard at what you do, great abundance will come to you. But merely talking about getting rich while living to only pursue your pleasures brings you face-to-face with poverty.” You might have heard this saying: “talk is cheap.” In other words, if you only speak about one day doing this or that, it won’t come to pass. It won’t materialize. Abundance only comes when someone works hard and focuses their energies, talents, abilities, commitment, partnerships and resources on their goal. How ironic is it that those that sell information on making lots of money while enjoying the easy life actually work very hard to sell their products to us. They spend a lot of money on advertisements. They work long hours going cross-country doing seminars and charging a lot of money for their products, and they make millions off of you and me. And in actuality, the ones that make the big money is them. Proverbs 12:11 (NLV) says: “He who works his land will have all the bread he needs, but he who follows what is of no worth has no wisdom.” Notice what it says. We are to work our land, not somebody else’s. What is your land? It is the place where you have influence. It is the place of your potential. It makes use of your talents and abilities. This is important because most people make excuses as to why they don’t work their land. They blame everyone from their parents to their ethnicity. God promises that if you break away from those lies and deception, God promises that if you break away from those lies and deception and work the land that He gave you, you will rise above those around you and have abundance for every good work that He places in your hand. He is looking to partner with diligent, righteous men and woman who will represent Him well in their generation!

Proverbs 12:11 (NLV) “He who works his land will have all the bread he needs, but he who follows what is of no worth has no wisdom.”

Which path are you taking?

There are many paths that are before us that we can take. However, most of the paths that people take can lead them away from their true calling and purpose . The Holy Ghost is present today to give you wisdom as to which path to take. Some paths lead to honor. Other paths lead to shame and destruction. It’s important today to realize just how important it is to ask the Holy Spirit for daily wisdom. Psalms 17:4 says “Following your word has kept me from wrong. Your ways have molded my footsteps, keeping me from going down the forbidden paths of the destroyer”(Passion Translation). Psalms 25:4 says “Lord, direct me throughout my journey so I can experience your plans for my life. Reveal the life-paths that are pleasing to you”(Passion Translation). King David understood this principle, and every time he encountered crises, he called upon God, and God gave him wisdom to defeat his enemies. Have you asked God for wisdom today? Remember, many doors are open in front of you, but most will lead you away from God’s purpose and plan for your life.

Proverbs 13:18 – Poverty and disgrace come to the one who refuses to hear criticism. But the one who is easy to correct is on the path of honor.