Did you ask for this today?

In the Old Testament (Exodus 16), we see how God provided for Israel every day. He sent them daily manna, which was a special food that nourished them each and every day. However, they had to pick the manna daily, and eat it the same day. They could not store it because it would spoil the next day. In the same way, we are to ask God for our “daily bread” every day. There is new provision every day, new wisdom, new discernment, new ideas, new health, new protection, new mercies, new opportunities, and so much more that God wants to reveal to you. However, we must pray and commune with God every day so that we can receive this fresh bounty. This is why so many in the Body of Christ have a stale relationship with God. They don’t pray! Get back to the place of power and relationship. Get back to daily prayer!

Matthew 6:11 – Give us this day our daily bread.

Are you praying for your “Daily Bread?”

One of the main reasons we pray happens to be for God to meet our needs. In Matthew, Chapter 6, it confirms that God is concerned about our daily needs. However, He asks that we seek His kingdom first, and then all of “these things” shall be added. These things are shelter, food, health, finances, relationships, etc. The Lord Jesus instructed us in the Lord’s Prayer that it is God’s will for us to seek Him concerning our needs. He loves to commune with us daily and provide us with strategies, divine connections, angelic ministry and divine interventions on our behalf. Our Heavenly Father wants to be active in our lives. This is why Jesus told us to pray every day, and in that prayer, we are to bring up our daily needs. This speaks of a covenant relationship between father and child. Be encouraged today. He hears your prayers, and He is present today to minister to you as your Heavenly Father!

Matthew 6:11 – Give us this day our daily bread.