Does your father listen to you?

The Lord Jesus taught us the perfect model for prayer. He shared various principles which are embedded in the Lord’s Prayer. The first principle is that we can pray with confidence, because we are praying to Our Father. He is a perfect and faithful Father. He is a model for all fathers. He loves His children. He cares for His children. He listens to His children. He provides for His children. He protects His children. He responds to HIs children. He gives His children a Godly destiny and purpose. He never leaves nor forsakes His children. He corrects His children. He places His children in His family and gives them an inheritance. We can trust our Heavenly Father. Our prayers have power and authority because we are His children, and He hears the prayers of His children!

Matthew 6:9 -I n this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.

We are His children!

In Matthew 6:9, the Lord Jesus taught us to pray. The word “prayer” in the original Greek language means supplication, entreaty and worship. It is to ask humbly and earnestly; to appeal to, to plead. He said, when we pray, we are to begin the prayer with “Our Father, who art in Heaven.” Prayer is when we go to Our Father with our petitions, our cares, our worries, our hopes and dreams, and humbly ask Him to help us, or a loved one. In prayer, we stand in the gap for others. Prayer is your right, given to you by God Himself. He meets you in the place of prayer, and He stands in the place of prayer as our Father. This means that we are His children. We don’t pray to an unknown God. We pray, supplicate, entreat, ask and plead to the God who identifies Himself to us as Our Father. I might not respond to a stranger if they call me, but I will always respond to my children, and I am only a human. God is perfect and faithful. When His children call on Him, He always answers. Get back to the place of prayer. Your Heavenly Father is waiting to commune with you!

Matthew 6:9 -I n this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.