Your prayers make things happen!

Jesus taught this powerful principle in the Lord’s prayer: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” We are to ask God every day for His will to be done on earth, in our sphere of influence. When we take our place as His stewards and take authority and responsibility for our region via our prayers and scriptural declarations, that is when we see His will revealed on Earth. God partners with His Body for His will to be done on Earth. As an example, God told Elijah to declare that it would not rain in the region, so when Elijah declared God’s will on earth, it stopped raining. Even though it was God’s will, it didn’t stop raining until Elijah declared it. Similarly, when God wanted it to rain again over two years later, He told Elijah to declare that it would rain, so when Elijah declared in on the Earth realm, it began to rain. (James 5:17) The key here is that when God created us, He declared that we are His stewards on this Earth. Whenever God declares anything, it becomes a law in Heaven and Earth, so man is in charge because God said so! Because of this, God Himself submits to His own word, so when He does something on Earth, He works with and through mankind, who are His stewards on Earth. Even when it was time to address the sin issue, God had to become man and die on the cross, because man is the authorized agent to deal with matters pertaining to Earth. Your prayers are powerful and needed in this day. James 5:16 “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Nothing happens until we pray and declare God’s word on Earth, over our families, our ministries, our businesses and our communities! Take responsibility and ensure that you are daily praying even as our Lord commanded.

Psalms 119:89 Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven [standing firm and unchangeable].

God always responds to the prayers of these people!

1 Peter 3:10 – 12 (TPT) says: “For the Scriptures tell us: Whoever wants to embrace true life and find beauty in each day must stop speaking evil, hurtful words and never deceive in what they say. Always turn from what is wrong and cultivate what is good; eagerly pursue peace in every relationship, making it your prize. For the eyes of the Lord Yahweh rest upon the godly, and his heart responds to their prayers. But he turns his back on those who practice evil.” The Holy Scriptures are our authoritative instruction manual for life. Any Christian who reads these verses can clearly see that we are instructed of the Lord to not speak evil of anyone. We are not to deceive. We are to turn from wrong and continually cultivate that which is good and beneficial. We are to eagerly pursue peace in EVERY relationship! God’s eyes are continually looking at what we do, and He is pleased when we walk in His precepts. But it also says that He turns His back to those who practice evil. I want to be on His side. I never want God to turn His back on me. Therefore, practicing evil is something to stay away from at all costs. When we walk with God, He responds to our prayers. Determine to reject the way of the evil doer, and walk with God today. That is where your blessings are!

1 Peter 3:10 – 12 (TPT) “For the Scriptures tell us: Whoever wants to embrace true life and find beauty in each day must stop speaking evil, hurtful words and never deceive in what they say. Always turn from what is wrong and cultivate what is good; eagerly pursue peace in every relationship, making it your prize. For the eyes of the Lord Yahweh rest upon the godly, and his heart responds to their prayers. But he turns his back on those who practice evil.”