Sorry, I had the wrong perception about them.

Perception is a powerful thing. Correctly utilized, it can help you in every area of your life. We have been given the gift of perception, which is the capacity to observe situations  or people in such a way that we can discern potential problems or opportunities. Some can even perceive if people are being honest or dishonest. Perception is an awareness of the elements of environment through physical senses or a calculated interpretation of people, actions, words or even their body language. Perception however, can become a serious problem if not properly harnessed and counter-balanced with reality, facts, and the counsel of others. In Matthew 13, 54-58, there were some people in Nazareth who could not understand who Jesus was. They had a wrong perception and impression of Jesus. They even wondered where He got His authority from, being that He was just a carpenter’s son. they took offense at Him and refused to believe in Him. Someone once said: “Perception is more real to some than reality itself.” Read that quote again. Many live their lives making wrong assumptions about things and even develop incorrect perceptions about people and situations. the problem about that is if you start with a wrong perception about someone or some situation, everything you think from that moment on will be wrong. This has caused divorces, people losing their jobs, brethren offended at each other because of a wrong initial perception or impression. Proverbs 14:12 says: “There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” Pray everyday for clear discernment and perception. First impressions can be lasting impressions, but first impressions many times are wrong impressions because we don’t have all of the facts. Therefore, before you make a decision about anything, ensure that you have the right perspective, impression and perception. Always remember: Right perception based on clear facts and truth is powerful and highly beneficial, but wrong perception based on emotions or wrong impressions can be disastrous.

God sent you to preserve life!

Our problems are not ultimately what will bring us down or give us victory! Many use their problems as excuses to give up and justify their lack of results or actions. However, it is actually the way we respond to problems and challenges that determine our victories or defeats. Consider Joseph in the Old Testament. He was hated by his brothers so they sold him into slavery. He was then falsely accused of rape and ended up in prison. He then correctly interpreted a troublesome dream that a butler had, and the butler was restored to his service to the Pharaoh. But even that butler forgot Joseph. He spent two more years before he interpreted Pharoah’s dream, and found great favor with Pharoah. The Pharaoh promoted Joseph to the highest position in the land just second to Pharoah. But consider this: Joseph remained faithful to God in the midst of the pit and the prison, so God prospered him even as a slave and as a prisoner. Ultimately, God raised him up as a lord and ruler over all of the land of Egypt. So once again I repeat, our problems are not ultimately what will bring us down or give us victory! Re-assess the way you have been responding to problems, and ensure that you are staying faithful to God and His promises. The time is soon coming when God will shift you into your “promotion,” and all those that have written you off will marvel at what God’s goodness in your life. Restoration is on its way!

Genesis 45: 4-5, 8  “And Joseph said to his brothers, “Please come near to me.” So they came near. Then he said: “I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt. But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life. So now it was not you who sent me here, but God; and He has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.”