Are you like that tree which is planted by the river?

The scriptures reveal a powerful truth. This truth states that the person who trusts in the Lord is like a tree which is well resourced with everything it needs. Trees are amazingly resourceful. Their work is unrecognizable to the eyesight. But while one thinks that trees are not doing anything, they are doing a powerful work beneath the surface. Their roots are moving, stretching, growing digging deeper, farther, and larger. It is continuously looking for water and other minerals, and nothing can get in its way. It will even break through concrete through time to get what it needs. It is tenacious, patient, consistent. It is faithful. You can trust that it will always be in the same place. It always gives fruit in its season. The one who trusts in the Lord has those qualities.  Decide today to be like that tree! 

Psalms 1:3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season


Delight in the Lord and in His word!

King David understood by revelation what God had instructed Joshua to do. Delight in God’s word. Meditate in God’s word day and night. God told Joshua (Joshua 1) if he would do that, he would make his own way prosperous. Imagine that….. whoever meditates in God’s word daily, recieves the wisdom to make his own way prosperous! Yet, most Chtistians say they are too busy to spend time in God’s word. Here we have the secret to true prosperity. Who will actually adopt this into their lives. He that hath ears to hear…..

Psalm 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night.