The blessed ones walk and live in His word!

Psalms 1 (Amplified version) Blessed (happy, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable) is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and purposes]

In the Amplified version of the Bible, It shares when a man refuses to walk in bad and ungodly counsel, and instead follows God’s word, it causes one to enter into a cycle of joy, peace, confidence, prosperity (is able to confidently do what God called him to do). There are many voices in the world today, and they are all screaming for our attention. Most of these voices will veer you away from your purpose and destiny. Don’t allow it. Be that person that this verse is speaking about. Walk and live in the word, and be that Blessed person!


Blessed is the man…….

King David opened up the Psalms with the declaration “Blessed is the man.” He went on to describe this man as one who delights in the Lord. The word blessed in this verse is the Hebrew word “esher” which means “a state of prosperity or happiness that comes when a superior bestows his favor upon one.” David rejoiced because he was favored or blessed by God because of his love for God’s word. When God blesses you, He empowers you to prosper in the thing which He called you to do. This blessings or favor carries with it His power to make it happen. This power works even when the enemy does his best to stop it, because the greater one dwells within you. Rejoice, because He has blessed you, and soon everyone will see the manifestation of that blessing!

Psalms 1:1 Blessed is the man………