Keep it moving!

My daughter has a saying any time a disappointment happens. She simply says: “Keep it moving.” That’s her way of saying, I can’t get stuck in this problem or situation. I’ve got to get over it and move forward. I agree with her because the only other option is to stay in the problem and soak in the negative emotions that are created by problems, stress, worry and other negative issues that life throws our way. Isaiah 43: 2 (ESV) says: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.” Notice what God is saying to us: When we PASS THROUGH. Simply put, we are not to remain in the problem. We are to work out the problem. We are not to wallow in self-pity. We are to encourage ourselves in the Lord and come out victorious. When we make a mistake, we need to simply forgive ourselves and “Keep it moving!” Quicksand is dangerous because once you fall into it, it seems that you can’t get out, and the longer you remain, the more certain it is that it will consume you. It’s the same with many problems and issues that we face today. If we don’t get out quickly, it can consume us. It’s time to say: “Keep it moving.” You have God’s power within you, so dig deep right now and let the enemy know that you have had enough! No more. Say it with me right now…….”Keep it moving!”