Don’t give up! Do this instead.

Part of the the training that the Lord Jesus gave the Apostles was the importance of never giving up and losing heart in the midst of any crises or issues. Luke 18:1 says: “Now Jesus was telling the disciples a parable to make the point that at all times they ought to pray and not give up and lose heart “. Jesus never said anything without an important reason. He knew that we would encounter great difficulties in life and because of this, we need to know that we have powerful weapons of warfare: Prayer and standing on His promises! John 16:33 says: “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding]. Today, be encouraged. God reminds you that He already won the battle for you. Stand strong in the faith. Put on the whole armor of God. Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee (James 4:7). Stand in the victory that Jesus already won for us!

It’s all about relationship!

Our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is our greatest relationship! In life, Everything in our  lives happens through relationships. You might have heard the quote: “It’s who you know.” That is very true. There are people who have high ranking jobs who get paid very well, yet they never qualified for that position. It was given to them because of some kind of relationship. It’s about relationship. If you go to my mother’s home and knock on the door, she will look through the peephole, identify you as a stranger and refuse to open the door. If I show up, she will open the door right away and welcome me. She will even offer me a sandwich and coffee. It’s about relationship. I can show up in Yankee stadium, but I will have to pay for a ticket just to get into a seat. However, if a Yankee player arrives at the stadium, they open the employee gate for him, and he can waltz right in. Why? Because of his relationship to the organization. Guess what? 1 John 3:8 says: “The reason the Son of God was revealed was to undo and destroy the works of the devil.” Did you just read that? Whoever is in relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ has His protective covering. He came to destroy the works of the devil in our lives. If you personally know Him as Lord and Savior, He will undo and destroy anything in your life that came to kill, steal and destroy you and your family. Hey, it’s who you know!

1 John 3:8 “The reason the Son of God was revealed was to undo and destroy the works of the devil.”