This is His good pleasure!

It’s vital that we catch the powerful truth that God is a loving Father. If we don’t receive that in our hearts, we will always struggle with guilt, shame, condemnation and fear. The enemy of our souls uses fear, doubt and condemnation to make us feel like God is angry at us and wants to punish us. Yet, it is the enemy that want to destroy us. God loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to save us and to adopt us into His family. Luke 12:32 says: “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom”. Did you just read that? It is His pleasure! He rejoices to see us as part of His family. He loves to converse with us and walk with us. He loves when we relate to Him as our Father. He is the one who taught us to call Him Father. His Kingdom is awesome! In His Kingdom, there is healing (Matthew 4:23). The poor in spirit are blessed in His Kingdom (Matthew 5:3). The persecuted are blessed in His Kingdom (Matthew 5:10). His Kingdom belongs to those who obey His commandments (Matthew 5:19). His will is done in His Kingdom (Matthew 6:10). All of our needs are met in His Kingdom (Matthew 6:33). Spirits of evil are cast out when His Kingdom is present.(Matthew 12:28). In Christ, we are now kingdom citizens, and all things are new. We do not have to struggle any more. We are part of His Kingdom and its His good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.

Don’t worry, the Lord will repay!

There are many that expect for people to respond with thanks and gratitude when they do something nice for them. The truth is that there will be many times when we do kind things for people, but they won’t even acknowledge your kindness. Some have even stopped ministering to others because they have been disappointed in the past when their actions of love and kindness haven’t been recognized or respected. I have good news for you. Ephesians 6:8 says: “knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord”. Notice that it doesn’t say that people need to pay you back for the good you do. It says that God is the one that responds to your acts of kindness. It says when we do something good, we will receive the same from the Lord! The TPT version says it this way: “Be assured that anything you do that is beautiful and excellent will be repaid by our Lord, whether you are an employee or an employer”. Be encouraged today that God sees your service and acts of love and kindness. Even if no one recognizes it, God sees it and He will reward you, Hallelujah!