He sets us on the rock!

We are all subject to the scourge of sin. It is embedded in our Adamic nature. However, by God’s love and grace, He made a way for us to be delivered from this sin nature.  Psalm 107:20 (EHV) says: “He sent his word and healed them. He rescued them from the pits that trapped them.” As we listen to the news, we can clearly see that there are multitudes of people that are in a pit of some kind. Whether it is addictions, poverty, sickness, disease or something similar, we all need to be delivered from the pit that the enemy has prepared for us. The Psalmist knew what it was to be delivered from a pit: “He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps” (Psalm 40:2). He also revealed to us that God sent His Word and healed us. Jesus is the living word of God! He has also sent us His written word. The enemy might say to you that there is no hope, but God’s word declares that in Christ, we have eternal hope. Hebrews 10:23 says: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful”. Today, God is still healing and rescuing those who are trapped in a pit! If you are currently in a pit, cry out to God. He will deliver you and set you upon a rock and establish your steps!

He is my Hero!

I read these three verses and they gave me great comfort and joy. Psalms 118: 5-7 (TPT)Out of my deep anguish and pain I prayed, and God, you helped me as a father. You came to my rescue and broke open the way
into a beautiful and broad place. Now I know, Lord, that you are for me,
and I will never fear what man can do to me. For you stand beside me as my hero who rescues me. I’ve seen with my own eyes the defeat of my enemies.
I’ve triumphed over them all!” As I look to my past and remember the times of anguish and pain, my point of breakthrough was when I went before the Lord and presented to Him the things that were causing me anguish and pain. In every case, the Lord helped me overcome the issues and in its place, He gave me His peace, joy and strength. Today, I know He is with me because His word promises it. He is faithful. He is our Heavenly Father. He is our hero. He is our rescuer. He helps us to defeat all of our enemies. He will cause us to triumph over them all! If you are in pain or anguish, call out to God today and let Him come alongside you to help you, to strengthen you,  to deliver you and to set you in a beautiful and broad place.

Psalms 118: 5-7Out of my deep anguish and pain I prayed, and God, you helped me as a father. You came to my rescue and broke open the way
into a beautiful and broad place. Now I know, Lord, that you are for me,
and I will never fear what man can do to me. For you stand beside me as my hero who rescues me. I’ve seen with my own eyes the defeat of my enemies.
I’ve triumphed over them all!”