You have a righteous advocate!

The word sin means: “Breaking God’s law. Missing the mark”. The Apostle John told the believers that he wrote God’s instructions to them so that they would not sin. This way, they would always have the proper wisdom and instructions to know how to live pleasing to God in their daily lives. 1 John 2:1 says: “My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous”. Note however that he also taught that we do sin or miss the mark, our advocate, Jesus Christ would intercede for us before the Father. We have a righteous advocate that is ever interceding for us. Be comforted today and know that He is aware of the fact that you are doing your best to live righteously for His glory. Know also that provision has already been made when you sin and miss the mark. Just go before God in humility and ask for forgiveness. Your intercessor is seated on the right hand of the Father, so you are covered by His love and His blood. You don’t have to walk in guilt or condemnation. You are loved and forgiven!

In His presence!

Every creature has an optimal environment that allows them to live and thrive. To the fish, it’s the ocean. To the bird, it’s the sky. To the Christian, it’s God’s presence.  Psalm 140:13 “Surely the righteous shall give thanks to Your name; The upright shall dwell in Your presence“. In His presence, we are made strong. We are cleansed, We receive His joy. We receive wisdom. We are protected. We receive His mercy. We are protected from our enemies. We are secure. We are loved. We see with His eyes. We feel His heart. We get answers for our prayers. We experience resurrection power. We receive spiritual, mental and emotional healing. His presence is the place where we live and thrive. Have you experienced His presence?

Psalm 16:11 “You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy”.