How to guarantee a sure reward!

Those who practice deception in order to hurt or destroy others are practicing a form of wickedness. Yet, in today’s society, much of business is done in a deceptive manner. How many times have businesses promised something, only to deliver sub-par materials or service. Others have agreed to provide a specific service, and after they get the money from the client, they deliver only 40-60 percent, and then disappear. Surely the judgement of God will come upon the wicked for their lies and deceptions. Conversely, the righteous deliver what they promise. God promises to the righteous that they will reap a sure reward because they work and serve with integrity. Always remember that integrity pays off in the end.

Proverbs 11:18 – The wicked man does deceptive work, but he who sows righteousness will have a sure reward.

The righteous will stand in victory!

Proverbs 10:30 states: The righteous will never be removed, but the wicked will not inhabit the earth. There are many who have thought that all the time that they have invested in living for God and always doing the right things haven’t made a real difference in their lives. They look at how the wicked prosper, and they think that they have wasted their time. However, if you look at the end of the wicked person’s life, you can see that their short-lived “success” was the real waste of time. You can see how the wicked always worried about losing their riches, their status, and their influence, among other things. They are always stressed about things. In the end, the wicked are removed, and their legacy is destroyed. Yet, the righteous and their legacy remain and are celebrated in the end. God honors the fact that you are living for Him, and that you are doing the right things. He sees your actions. Let everyone criticize you now, for in the end, you will be the one standing and celebrating!