What is your tongue proclaiming?

Most people today realize that their words have power and authority, but unfortunately do not harness nor control the words that come out of their mouths. An that is unfortunate because words can change outcomes. Words can heal or hurt, bring joy or sadness, bring forth truth or deception, unite or separate. Words are containers that carry emotions, wisdom, pictures, and beliefs. Proverbs 18:21 says: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit”. King David knew this, so he determined within himself to only speak of God’s righteousness all day long. He said this in Psalm 71:24 (HCSB):”Therefore, my tongue will proclaim Your righteousness all day long, for those who seek my harm will be disgraced and confounded”. He knew that God’s promises are living and active. David trusted God to shut down the attacks of his enemies. He knew that his enemies would be disgraced and confounded. James 4:7 says: “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you”. So as you submit to God this weekend, know that God has identified your enemies, and He is shutting down their attacks against you. The enemy has to flee. Be like David and let your tongue only speak of His righteousness all day long!

Stop the arguments already!

Disagreements happen all the time. Everyone has an individual point of view. We all want  to be heard. Most of the time we want people to agree with our viewpoints. However, the truth is that people will disagree with us much of the time.  This is normal and it is why we need policies, laws and courts. Some of the time, we can iron out our differences by discussing our views and resolving our issues. The Lord Jesus taught us if we have a disagreement with another person, the right thing to do is to go directly to them and speak to them about the issue (Matthew 18:15). Actually, it is honorable when we can put arguments to rest. Proverbs 20:3 (TPT) says: “A person of honor will put an argument to rest. Only the stupid want to pick a fight.” When I was young, I hated when a bully would come and push me, trying to goad me into a fight. He was trying to pick a fight. Most of the time, I would walk away. Sometimes, the bully would continue to walk toward me trying to pick a fight, but when I would  refuse to fight him, he would eventually give up. The message Bible has an interesting take on this. In Proverbs 30:33 (MSG), it says: “If you’re dumb enough to call attention to yourself by offending people and making rude gestures, Don’t be surprised if someone bloodies your nose. Churned milk turns into butter; riled emotions turn into fist fights”. We can either be a peacemaker, or allow ourselves to to be caught up in never-ending arguments and offenses. One mindset comes from the flesh, pride and arrogance. The other comes from a mature, honorable mindset that pleases God and promotes peace and restoration. Choose this day which path you will follow.

Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God”.