Will you join this choir?

Today as I joined my church family in praising and worshipping the Lord, I was filled with joy and my faith was stirred up. I was reminded as to how He loves us; how He has provided for us salvation, provision, protection, wisdom, strength, uniqueness, strategies, inheritance, and He has made us part of His family. I am grateful for His love and how He made a way for me on the cross. He delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us to His Kingdom. I will give Him thanks and sing praises every day because He is good and He is worthy of all praise. Will you join me today in thanking Him?

Psalm 92:1 “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High”

Did you see the value in that?

It’s good to be thankful and appreciative. It puts you in the right attitude and mindset. However, did you know that it is the will of God to be thankful? God is pleased when we recognize the value of people, resources and opportunities. Then we value what we have, who we are, and our family and friends, we will treat them with respect and honor.  And in doing so, we are also honoring God. When we go through challenges in life, we are also called to be thankful . The challenges of life help us to not take things for granted. Be thankful this week in all things, and you’ll be able to see value in things that you hadn’t seen before!

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.”