God said you are a healer!

Proverbs 18:21 says “Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it will eat its fruit”. It is now an established fact that our words can help to heal us, or harm us. Words are among the most powerful tools on earth, and can be used to help or harm people.

Choose today to use this powerful tool to bring healing and health, both to you and those who spend time with you. You are God’s mouthpiece. Speak life, peace, joy, compassion, reconciliation and restoration today. Watch how your environment will begin to shift, and because of that shift, many will be healed of their infirmities and issues.

Proverbs 12:18 – There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword,
But the tongue of the wise promotes health.


Is your speech rescuing others?

Proverbs 18:21 (NLT) -“The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences”. 

Speech is an amazing thing. With speech, we can share a story; we can teach history; we can share our love with one another; we can preach the Gospel and disciple the nations, and so forth. We can also tear each other down; we can gossip; we can release hatred and racism. Wow, the power of the tongue! It depends on who is speaking. Our speech can bring death or life! When we speak the word of God, we are releasing life, joy, peace, restoration, reconciliation, forgiveness, confidence, blessings and the like. When we choose to complain, criticize, disparage, demean and destroy, we are being led by the flesh, and are using our tongue to bring forth death. Always remember that words are seeds, and we reap according to the seeds that we sow. Therefore, be careful how you use your tongue; you are bringing forth either death or life.

Proverbs 12:6 – The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood, but the speech of the upright rescues them.