True, lasting prosperity!

The soul is the center of your will, intellect and thoughts. That’s where you really live. That’s who you really are. According to the scriptures, we need to work hard to ensure that we are primarily growing and prospering on the inside first. Most people desire things, fame, fortune, influence, but their souls are sick and dying. The beloved Apostle John prayed that we would prosper in all things, but he highlighted that it was as our souls prosper.

3 John 1:2 says: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” Instead of seeking things first, we should seek God and His word first. And from that inner strength, the Apostle John knew that the  result would be that we would then prosper in all things and be in health. The word prosper means “to achieve economic success”, but that it not its only definition. It also means “to accomplish what you set out to do, to succeed, to be strong and flourishing”. The Apostle John was praying that we would be strong in the Lord; That we walk in the truth of God’s word; That we stand as effective witnesses in our generation. We can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us, but we must first make sure that our souls are prospering. Prospering in the daily meditation on God’s word; In prayer, In our witness, In doing all things well with integrity, love and excellence. Our real prosperity is in accomplishing all that God created us to do; To bring Him glory and to reveal Christ’s love to this generation. This is our true legacy, not fame, not fortune, but revealing Christ to our generation.

The Heavenly Father honors these people!

Students need to be available to be where their teachers or mentors are. They need to prioritize their time to be accessible to them. In the same way, we need to submit our schedules to our Master Teacher and Mentor, the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to follow Him and His will for us. The Heavenly Father honors those who willingly do this with all of their hearts. He will shower His favor upon those who follow the Lord Jesus. A true student will be where their teacher is, and a true disciple will follow the Lord Jesus! Whom are you following?

John 12:26 “If you want to be my disciple, follow me and you will go where I am going. And if you truly follow me as my disciple, the Father will shower his favor upon your life”