Oops, I should have not spoken so quickly!

One of the great sins of our day is that many speak out before knowing the truth about an issue. They will hear an accusation on someone and begin spreading what is simply a gossip or a misunderstanding without first confirming whether or not it was true. This is a sin and displeasing to God. Psalm 141:3 says: “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips [to keep me from speaking thoughtlessly].” The Proverbist instructs us to listen before we speak: Proverbs 18:13 (TPT) “Listen before you speak, for to speak before you’ve heard the facts will bring humiliation.” I think we all have been embarrassed at sometime in our lives because we have spoken without all of the facts, and someone has had to bring correction to us, sometimes publicly. It is wisdom to listen much more that we speak Proverbs 18:17(TPT) says: “There are two sides to every story. The first one to speak sounds true until you hear the other side and they set the record straight.” We need to pray like David: “Set a guard O Lord, over my mouth.” Use your mouth and words to bring life, healing, peace, righteousness and justice. Remember, you are God’s ambassador!

Are you hearing what the Spirit is saying?

Hearing is such a wonderful, precious and much needed gift from God. Most people take it for granted. Yet, for those who lose their hearing, they will tell you just how precious it is. However, there is something just as important. It’s the way one hears. I can hear someone say something, and I will interpret it one way. Yet, another person can hear the exact same thing, and they will hear it another way. So the filter in our brains choose the way they want to hear something. Then there is the other very important thing to hearing, and that it whether one chooses to hear and listen to what is being said. Revelation 2:7 says: “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” In other words, people can hear something, yet refuse to listen. And in refusing to listen, they will not benefit from God’s wisdom and truth, and unfortunately they will land in ruin. We see this all the time. People know the danger of drugs, yet they continue to take drugs. People know that smoking will give you various life-threatening illnesses, yet they continue to smoke. Jesus said this about those who refuse to listen to what the Spirit of God is saying to this generation: “This is the reason I speak to the crowds in parables: because while [having the power of] seeing they do not see, and while[having the power of] hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand and grasp[spiritual things].  In them the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says, You will hear and keep on hearing, but never understandAnd you will look and keep on looking, but never comprehend.” (Matthew 13:13:14 (AMP)). Today, the Lord reminds us, His Holy Spirit is speaking to us and giving us guidance. Let us not refuse or reject His voice and instructions. His words and life. Choose wisely today!