You will see His Face!

God is completely holy and righteous! That is His nature. Only that which is holy and righteous can enter His presence. He loves those who are righteous. The word righteous means acting in accord with divine or moral law; free from guilt or sin. the Scriptures reveal that by virtue of Christ’s finished work on the cross, those who are born again are declared righteous in God’s sight. God sees them as the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). This is precious because in Psalms 11:7 (AMPC), it says: “For the Lord is [rigidly] righteous, He loves righteous deeds; the upright shall behold His face, or He beholds the upright.” Because we are now the righteousness of God in Christ, we will have the privilege of seeing Him face to face. He loves us so much, that He has made a way in Christ for us to stand in His presence. So never forget, your righteous deeds (those actions that line up with His will and love), are making way for you to stand in God’s presence one day without guilt or fear. Your sacrifices of love and obedience are not in vain. God sees you and rejoices over you. You are more than a conqueror through the one who loves us and gave His life for us!

Psalms 11:7 (AMPC) “For the Lord is [rigidly] righteous, He loves righteous deeds; the upright shall behold His face, or He beholds the upright.”

God says there’s a good future for you!

There is a big difference between a sprint and a marathon. In a sprint, speed makes the difference, but in a marathon, endurance and consistency is the key! In Psalms 37: 37, 38, David wrote this powerful truth: “Mark the blameless man [who is spiritually complete], and behold the upright [who walks in moral integrity]; There is a [good] future for the man of peace [because a life of honor blesses one’s descendants]. As for transgressors, they will be completely destroyed; The future of the wicked will be cut off.” He said to watch those who are blameless and walk in integrity. They are the ones who will have a good future and bless their descendants. Walking in integrity (choosing to live a life that is pleasing to God) is a marathon. You can’t live in integrity one week and another like the devil. That’s not integrity. That’s self- deception. When a person walks in integrity, they walk in peace because they know that their life is pleasing to God. If anyone blames them of something evil, it won’t stick because it’s a lie. People of integrity walk with their heads high because their conscience is clean. They will go through the fire and not get burned. They will go through the flood and not drown, for God is with them. At the end of their lives, they will enter the Presence of God peacefully because like Paul,  they know they walked with God in their lifetime and they accomplished God’s will. They also know that their descendants will be blessed. Sprinters can run fast but they don’t get very far. The marathoner is not in a rush to get anywhere, but he/she is consistent and not distracted by by day to day crises. They stay in their race until they reach the finished line. They say like Paul: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing” (2 Timothy 4: 7,8).

Psalms 37: 37, 38Mark the blameless man [who is spiritually complete], and behold the upright [who walks in moral integrity]; There is a [good] future for the man of peace [because a life of honor blesses one’s descendants]. As for transgressors, they will be completely destroyed; The future of the wicked will be cut off.”