You don’t fool me!

I’ve learned not to get fooled by those who seem to prosper even though they are doing so in illicit ways. Many mock Christian values and morals. They think that just because everything is really good now, it will be that way forever. The scriptures make it clear: What we sow, is what we reap (Galations 6:7). If we sow sin and unrighteousness, any prosperity we have now will vanish in time. Don’t look at the prosperity of the wicked. It’s temporary, and behind the scenes, many are experiencing issues and problems that have been created by the foolishness of mocking God and righteous living. Stay the course. Know that you have favor that the world lacks. God is with you, and He is pleased that you are walking in integrity and uprightness. In the long run, you will still be standing, while the foolish one is no more.

Proverbs 14:9 Fools mock at sin, but among the upright there is favor.

Does your walk match your talk?

There are many who say that they’re Christian and they love God. However, saying that you love someone is incomplete. It is your actions that really determine whether or not you really love someone. If commitment, respect and honor are not present, then it is not true love. We must “walk” in love, not just say that we love. The love walk acknowledges God in every area of our lives. We humans demand that in our own relationships. If a husband never has time for his wife, and is always spending all of his time with his friends, this will not be acceptable to the wife. She will complain and argue with him, and demand that he spend time with her. She will question his love. She expects him to honor their covenant by “acting” like a married man. By that I mean that she expects to be loved, to be honored, to spend time together, to remain faithful to her, etc. In the same way, God gives us His best, and he expects our best. If your walk currently doesn’t align with your confession of faith, then you need to recommit to God today and walk in love and righteousness.

Proverbs 14:2 “He who walks in his uprightness fears the Lord, but he who is perverse in his ways despises Him”.