Are you more than a conqueror?

I once heard a story that best described to me what Jesus did for us on the cross. Here it goes: two champions come together to fight for the heavyweight championship belt. They fight for twelve rounds. Both give it their all, but only 1 raises his hand in victory. He is declared the champion. For that, he receives the belt and a 10 million dollar prize. He is the conqueror.  He then goes home and gives the 10 million dollar check to his wife. She is “more than a conqueror.” That is what our Lord did for us. He fought for our salvation. He redeemed us on the cross. He defeated death, hell and the grave.  He then shares that victory with us. We are more than conquerors through Christ! Don’t forget that in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of this season. Jesus is the real reason for this season!

Romans 8:37 -“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us”.