Supernatural peace and confidence – MUST READ

This is a season of great distress for many. However, we must come to the realization that we are” In Christ.” And because of this, we live in an atmosphere of peace, joy, love, divine provision, divine protection, divine wisdom and forgiveness. Even if everything is crumbling around us, we stand on the rock and we will not be moved. Penny Marshall shared this word of the Lord and I think it will bless you: “You are stronger than you think. Others see it, but it is still hard for you to realize. I have been strengthening you and preparing you for years. You see the things you have done wrong; I see the ways you have let Me transform you. I am not through with you yet; you are stronger than you think. In the midst of all that will be happening, in the midst of all the upheaval, there will be such a sweet communion with Me. Others will wonder where I am, but you will know that I am where I have always been, watching over you, providing for you, loving you. This is not a time to turn back. This is not a time for distraction, although the enemy is hard at work to keep you from focusing on Me. This is a time to sit in My presence, resting in Me, allowing Me to strengthen you, to speak My words of love over you. You must not be surprised by what is ahead or allow it to throw you off course.  Don’t anticipate it, but don’t let it take you off guard. I am allowing it for My purposes.”

1 John 4:4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

This is a powerful weapon!

Proverbs 14:7&8 (TPT) – “The words of the wise are like weapons of knowledge. If you need wise counsel, stay away from the fool. For the wisdom of the wise will keep life on the right track, while the fool only deceives himself and refuses to face reality”.

I had never realized that wisdom is a weapon. Yet, the Proverbist declares that the words of the wise are like weapons of knowledge. Your words and wisdom can be a weapon against the problems and challenges of life. Ecclesiastes 7:12 says: “For wisdom is a defense as money is a defense, But the excellence of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it“. Did you catch that? Wisdom is a defense. The more of God’s wisdom you have in your mind and spirit, the more defense potential you have in this life. Challenges will always be present, but with God’s defense weapon, wisdom, you will always be able to overcome any issue and obstacle. This is another reason that we must study the word of God DAILY. His word is a DEFENSE!