He just hates this!

It is so unfortunate that humanity is so quick to enter into discord, contentions, arguments and conflicts. Right now, the political landscape is covered with hatred and dissension. Proverbs 10:12 (VOICE) says: “Hatred fuels dissension, but love calms all rebellions.” So the answer is turn from hatred, and love the way God loves. God loves even when the person doesn’t deserve it. Hatred and dissension is full of deceit. Proverbs 26:24 (NLT) says: “People may cover their hatred with pleasant words, but they’re deceiving you.” That’s why sometimes people will tell you things that sound really nice, but for whatever reason it doesn’t feel right. Deep down, you’ll sense that this person wasn’t sincere. When people choose to walk in hate, it causes them to lie, start arguments, begin conflicts among family and friends. God hates this kind of behavior. Proverbs 6:16-19 (EXB) says that God hates: “a witness who lies, and someone who starts ·arguments [conflicts; fights] among families [brothers; Ps. 133](v 19). Listen, even if one tries to hide hate, God will expose their hate in public, Proverbs 26:26 “While their hatred may be concealed by trickery, their wrongdoing will be exposed in public.” Wherever you see hate, reject it. Refuse to be a part of it. Instead, choose love. God is love, and those who walk in love, are truly children of God (1 John 4:7)!

1 John 4: 7,8Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.



Everybody can see this!

The Lord Jesus called us “the light of the world (Matthew 5:14).” It goes on to say that light is not to be hidden, but put in a place where all can see it. Our life and witness must not be hidden. Our lives and witness must shine among our families and communities. Matthew 5:16 says “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Note how the Lord Jesus equates our light with good works. Works that will reflect the love and goodness of God. As those around us see our good works, those very works will allow them to see God’s love for humanity. Never forget that God sees and appreciates your labor of love, even if people around you don’t. And it is God who will bless and strengthen you in your continued journey!

Proverbs 13:9 – The light of the righteous rejoices, but the lamp of the wicked will be put out.