“In every son, there is a father.” This is such a powerful truth. As fathers filled with the Holy Spirit, we have the honor and privilege of raising up strong oak trees in the house of the Lord. Ask God every day for wisdom, grace and patience, so that you can raise your children in the ways and admonition of the Lord. The principle of parenting also extends to every Christian, whether or not you are a natural father or mother, and even if you do not have natural children. We are all called to disciple those that God places in our care. We should all strive to be “fathers and mothers” in the house of the Lord. Our natural and spiritual children are all bombarded with evil philosophies and teachings every day, and they are tempted and attacked like we are. It is incumbent upon us to cover them with God’s love, and lovingly train them in the way that they should go. See yourself today as someone that our Heavenly Father wants to work with and through in this confused world. Your sons and daughters await you!
Ephesians 6:4 “And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord”