The Good Shepherd will renew your strength!

King David depended upon God to continuously renew his strength. There were many challenges that he had to face throughout his lifetime. Many of these challenges would deplete him of physical and emotional energy. However, during these times, he would go to God in prayer and worship, and God would renew his strength. God still renews our strength today. You might be at that same place where David was. Go to God today in trust, prayer and worship, and let the joy of the Lord restore your strength. Thank Him for new strength today!

Psalms 23:3 – He renews my strength……

4 Replies to “The Good Shepherd will renew your strength!”

  1. I thank God that I can go to Him and ask Him to renew my strength even after all these days shut in the house. Thank You Father that Your promises are true and sure, no matter the situation. Blessings to You Apostle Victor(your family and congregation} for your encouraging words during this time.

  2. This is so true for all of us I know throw hard times and good I worship him even when I don’t want to in the end I know I have done the right thing going to the Lord for his guidenrss and peace of mind

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