The Lord will restore!

“But I am innocent. I didn’t do what they said I did.” Have you ever had to say that? Were you ever placed in a position where you were truly innocent, yet you were blamed for something? This is not new. Joseph was sold into slavery because his brothers were jealous of him. Job went through tremendous adversity even though he was a righteous man. However, if you look at their latter state, God restored everything to them, and even blessed them beyond anything they could even imagine. Sometimes the enemy attacks you because of your purpose and potential. If you are going through a season like this, understand that there is a recompense coming your way. Continue to stand on His promises, no matter what the enemy or others might be accusing you of. God knows you and is with you. Your breakthrough is on its way!

Job 42:10 “And the Lord restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.”

5 Replies to “The Lord will restore!”

  1. Thank you for this devotional Pastor. My husband and I were just talking about this. It’s been a tough season for us but we stand of God’s promise. The story of Job reminds us that with faith and prayer all things are possible. So we continue to stand.
    Denise & Eli Perez

  2. Amen! Thank you Apostle for this word! Hallelujah! Job 42:10 is a scripture God has placed in my heart a while ago and encourages me to intercede in Jesus’ name!

  3. Amen. Pastor Victor. We stand on God’s promises. He is faithful. We believe our loving heavenly Father will restore in abundance.
    We wait on Him and not lose courage.

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