They are hungry but are never satisfied!

The Apostle Paul once said that he was content whether or not he had plenty or little. The key to Paul’s contentment was that he knew that God was his provider, and that he had defeated the spirit of greed. It is a good thing to want to do the best you can, and to work towards higher education and better salaries. However, at the end of the day, the righteous are content and grateful for what God has provided for them. There might be seasons where you might have more, or even less, but when you appreciate what God has provided for you, you will be able to be at peace, and sleep peacefully. The wicked are never satisfied. They always want more, and it will never be enough. This is fleshly, and does not please God. Determine today to be appreciative and thankful, and your soul will be satisfied in this lifetime, and you will please the heart of God!

Proverbs 13:25 – The righteous eats to the satisfying of his soul, but the stomach of the wicked shall be in want.

9 Replies to “They are hungry but are never satisfied!”

  1. I often remind myself that I have to be satisfied and grateful with what God has done for me. In 2017, God gave me two of my biggest hearts desires and one of which was a forgotten prayer on my part…my current position. Despite my abundance of blessing I fall into the trap of occasionally yearning for the next step..the black robe! Yes I am able at times to remind myself that this is the position I wanted and He gave it to me. It is good enough! Be happy and do not greed for more. If God wants me to go beyond a Referee and become a Judge he will do it! If he doesnt I am content. Despite my ability to think this way as a result if your teachings..the flesh keeps springing up. It was doing just that this very weekend. Thank You So Much For Your Words Pastor and for being our Fathers messenger to his children.

    1. Thank you Sister Jessica! I fully understand your point. Our earthly desires will always be with us, but as our “spirit man” is trained in God’s word, we will be able to discern His will in our lives. That is one of the pivotal reasons why God instructs us to get in His word daily. It keeps our spiritual senses sharp, and gives us a two-sided perspective. One is for the here and now, and one always points us to eternity. We can see clearly and give direction to our feelings and desires. I am so grateful for God’s word. It keeps me grounded. Have an amazing week!

  2. Amen! Thank you Lord!!! Having a season of much and one of little let’s us know God is still in control and He always provides.

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