This can take you down!

We’ve all heard the term “skeletons in the closet.” It is said that we all have some. It means that we’ve all done things in the past that we are not proud of. Today, this has become quite the liability. Even politicians have been challenged by others investigating their past. Sometimes they’ll even go 20 – 30 years in the past, all in an attempt to find some “dirt” in an attempt to discredit them. Considering this, it is even more important that we walk in true integrity and righteousness. And when we mess up, we should own up to it and apologize. This way, the enemy won’t have a foothold in our lives. We can’t be responsible for the way others live, but we can be responsible for the way we live. Actions have consequences. Live in such a way that no one will be able to accuse you. This honors God, and no one will be able to successfully take you down!

Proverbs 28:18 “Whoever walks blamelessly will be saved,
But he who is perverse in his ways will suddenly fall.”

6 Replies to “This can take you down!”

  1. Amen Pastor.
    Pastor I wanted to let you know that I started working as a night security for the parks. It was my I wanted but once I checked it out I do like it not the hours because I start at 4pm and 12:25am but it’s well pay . Again it’s a for now job. So I’m telling you becuase being that i get home so late I’m super tired. I want to try and start going 1Sunday yes & 1Sunday no. God bless Pastor

  2. So true the only thing the enemy can use is your past to try and bring you down, but the word says I am a new creation. Amen

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