This is your ultimate place of protection!

Psalm 91:2 says: “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” The word refuge means: “shelter or protection from danger or distress; something to which one has recourse in difficulty”. This means that God is a shelter where we can go and be protected from danger or distress. He is our rock where we can go to when we experience difficulties in life. He is also our fortress. A fortress is: “a castle or very well constructed stronghold where the enemy cannot access. It is a place of security or survival”. This means that God is our place of protection. In Him, we can be secure. He protects us from all the attacks of the enemy. Declare Psalm 91:2 every day over you and your family! He is our refuge and fortress, and we can trust Him!

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