We are like the mighty Palm trees!

Palm trees are stable.  They are planted, rooted. We are to be planted and in His church family.

They are consistent each season.  They can be counted on. We are to be faithful to God and what He has placed in our hands.

They prosper regardless of external conditions.  Their life is within them. Our provision comes from the One who is the Owner of all the gold and silver.

Palm trees are strong, yet flexible. We are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!

Palm trees flourish in the desert. By His grace, we flourish in any environment because He is with us.

Palm trees flourish in the loneliness of the desert. David grew in the loneliness of the caves.  Joseph grew in the loneliness of the prison.

Palm trees not only bear leaves.  They bear fruit. The Lord Jesus said we would bear much fruit as His disciples.

Palm trees flourish to give.  They give shade, coconuts, etc.  We’re anointed to give life, health, deliverance.  Freely we have received, freely we give.

Palm trees bear fruit in their old age. We will also bear fruit, even when we reach our senior years!

Psalm 92:12 “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon”

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