We are not alone!

We are not alone!

You make me better than I am.

You multiply my value to others.

You enable me to do what I do best.

You give me more time.

You represent me where I cannot go.

You provide community for my enjoyment. 

You fulfill the desires of my heart.

I can never thank you enough!

Dedication to Injoy Group.  Found in the book “The 17 indispensable laws of teamwork.  Dr. John Maxwell, 2001  Thomas Nelson, Publishers

We all have a place at the table. Start by serving and you will find the right place for you

Your significance will not be found in the advancement of self, but in your impact of others. Author unknown

1. Be secure in God’s faithfulness and truth. He said He loves you and created you uniquely. Jesus died on the cross for us so that in itself is such an affirmation of how 

God sees us and how important we are to Him.  

2. Get to know yourself.  Spend time reflecting and exploring your gifts.  Ask others to give you feedback. Do what it takes to remove personal blind spots.

3. Trust the team God placed you with.  Even though we all have feet of clay, They help you to start moving in the right direction.

4.  See the big picture.  Your place on the team makes sense only in the context of the big picture.  Poor motives prevent you from discovering what you desire.

5.  Rely on your experience.  Learn as you do, as well as from your past failures and successes. You develop discernment.  

NOTE:  You are most valuable where you ADD the most value!

Let the strength you exude in your service in the Kingdom of God be shared in such a way that God’s grace will flow out of your actions instead of ambition or a need to be recognized.

Let your presence, energy and service be an inspiration to others.

The love of our neighbor is the only door out of the dungeon of self. MacDonald

The strength of a church should not be measured by it’s size;; but by evidence of real impact on the lives of people. Houston

Realize that we are warring not for things, but for the lives futures, and Godly destinies of people

Mike Murdock shared these thoughts on knowing that we have the upper hand in our battles using the life of David:

Ps 18:34 – He prepares me for battle; He strengthens me to draw a bow of bronze. NLTPs 144:1 – Bless the LORD, who is my rock. He gives me strength for war and skill for battle. NLT

King David understood warfare.

Several qualities in David that we can expect to have in our lives:

1 Kings 17 – david and Goliath

  • God will give tools as well as the wisdom to use them effectively against the enemy (David and his slingshot)
  • Your abilities are unique so you can’t always war like others (Saul’s armor)
  • David knew the source of his strength (1 Sam 17:37)
  • David knew that God’s strength was greater than any attack of the enemy (1 Sam 17:45)
  • David’s victory was hidden in his daily disciplines (His ongoing usage of his slingshot)
  • David expected to be used mightily by God to defeat his enemy. (17:46)
  • David knew his enemy would eventually fall (17:46)
  • David didn’t retreat-He ran toward his enemy (17:48)
  • David knew that his victory was necessary for his family and his people.  His victory was everyone’s victory!
    • Someone else needs to see you win.
    • You victory will encourage others; therefore you must overcome your enemy.

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