What are you hearing?

In Romans 10:17, we see the principle of how faith comes about in one’s life.So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”.What we hear impacts what we believe. That can be good, or really bad. We hear things all day long. Most people do not pay attention to what they hear, so they get a mixed bag of philosophies throughout the day. The Apostle taught us in Romans 10:17 that we must focus on God’s word. We must take out daily time to purposely hear God’s word and meditate on it every day. Only this will strengthen our faith. Many believers today have very weak and ineffectual faith because they refuse to discipline themselves to hear God’s word. They are too busy doing “other things,” and they do not prioritize the study of God’s word. If that is you today, repent and get back to your “first love.” Let your faith come alive as you give first place to God and His word. He is worthy!

Romans 10:17 “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”.

6 Replies to “What are you hearing?”

  1. I needed to here that. God knows I am distracted and trying to work it out with God again. so hearing this was powerful for me God letting me know to get back on track again and how much he love me. Amen

    1. Amen. This is a year to be clear in our spirits and minds, so that we can honor God in all that we do, and be fruitful and productive. Above all, those around us need a fresh revelation of God’s love, and we have the privilege to share it with our families and friends. Blessings.

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