What are you magnifying?

I love praising God with his people in the Sunday services. There is something precious about that corporate time. However, David, who was a worshipper, took it to another level. Not only did he praise God continually, he was also very thankful for all that God did for him and his people. Psalm 69:30 says:”I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving”. Many people go to church from time to time and even sing along with the choir or the worship team. But not every “praiser” is thankful. Many continually complain about their lives, and never recognize God’s goodness which is all around them. They are so busy focusing on what they do not possess, that they miss what God has done for them. The word magnify means:” to cause to be held in greater esteem or respect; to increase in significance; to enlarge in fact or in appearance”. Are you holding your problem in greater esteem.? Are you causing your problems and issues to increase in significance? Are you enlarging the negatives around you? David continuously held God in greater esteem. For David,  God’s goodness was more significant that any problem or issue. He enlarged God’s goodness and kindness with his praises, testimonies and thanksgiving. Make an assessment today. What are you “magnifying” in your life and actions? Selah.

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