King David was a worshipper. As part of his daily worship, he would praise God on the harp. But not only did he praise God, he sung unto the Lord with thanksgiving and gratitude. Psalm 147:7 says: “Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God” The EHV Bible says it this way: “Respond to the Lord with thanksgiving”. So as part of our praise, we should respond to the Lord with gratitude and thanksgiving. This pleases God’s heart and is part of REAL worship and praise! Many people in churches today enjoy the worship experience, but they are not really praising God. They are just singing along as part of the group experience. They are not grateful to God, nor do they offer thanksgiving to God. Jesus once said in Matthew 15:8: :These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me”. Wow, that is very revealing. My question to you is: Are you daily praising God with a grateful heart? Are you mixing your daily praise with genuine thanksgiving? Our Lord Jesus knows our hearts, and gratitude and thanksgiving pleases HIm. What does God see when your praise goes up to His Presence?
Amen. Pastor Victor
Amen Pastor.
Thank you . Pastor.
Praise him with a thankful heart.
I would hope that my praise is delightful to him. Every morning I try to keep my mind on the things he’s done for me and my family to convey how grateful I am that there is a beat in my heart, breath in my lungs, and that he’s seen fit to allow me and my family to witness another sunrise
Glory to God! Thank you Holy Spirit! Our hearts is what God wants!!!
Amen Amen Thank You
God All the Praise Belongs to You
Praise the Lord amen, thank you Pastor