What kind of friend are you?

One of the greatest joys one can have is having a sincere, open and honest friend. One that loves you at your best and at your worst. A friend that is with you when everyone else leaves. A friend that only desires the best for you, and will speak life, encouragement, and blessings into your life. In your lifetime, you will only find several of these faithful friends. If you find one, never let them go. Most people that you meet in life will be casual, non-committal type acquaintances. You have to be careful what you say to them. You really can’t trust most people with your private life. Most will tell you that you can trust them, only to find that they have leaked your private business or information to everyone else. Most will not honor your trust. The Proverbist calls people like that wicked! I think I agree. If you are going to be my friend, then let’s honor each other by being faithful, and by helping each other, not destroying each other.

Proverbs 12: 5  “The thoughts of the righteous are right, but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful”

5 Replies to “What kind of friend are you?”

  1. Truth! It’s hard to find good friends. We thank God for the Holy Ghost who will reveal someone’s true heart as we stay in prayer. This is a good message Apostle Nazario. Thank you!

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